Choose your new Samsung device and tell us about your old one. If eligible, you will see an estimated trade-in value. 02
Please ensure that you back up any photos, files and other data which you have stored on the Existing Handset, and remove the sim card and memory cards before providing the Existing Handset to us.
You will be provided with prepaid return packaging materials to allow for the safe provision of your Existing Handset to us. You must ensure that the hand-set is provided to us within 7 days of receiving your New Handset. Failure to provide your Existing Handset within this time period will mean that you will be required to return your New Handset to us or pay back the discount you received on your New Handset.
Preencha seus dados abaixo, nos diga seu produto de interesse e conte detalhes sobre sua própria obrigatoriedade.
You will be provided with prepaid return packaging materials to allow for the safe provision of your Existing Handset to us. You must ensure that the hand-set is provided to us within 7 days of receiving your New Handset. Failure to provide your Existing Handset within this time period will mean that you will be required to return your New Handset to us or pay back the discount you received on your New Handset.
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You will be provided with prepaid return packaging materials to allow for the safe provision of your Existing Handset to us. You must ensure that Fone Bluetooth à Prova d’água - AlphaPod Pro the hand-set is provided to us within 7 days of receiving your New Handset. Failure to provide your Existing Handset within this time period will mean that you will be required to return your New Handset to us or pay back the discount you received on your New Handset.
Please ensure that you back up any photos, files and other data which you have stored on the Existing Handset, and remove the sim card and memory cards before providing the Existing Handset to us.
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Please review Philips Terms & Conditions of Sale for more details on site original para comprar online the terms and conditions that apply, including additional payment terms. For deferred payments, there is no interest, pelo APR, no credit charges, the total cost of credit is $0, and you may prepay the entire outstanding balance any time and make partial payments without penalty on any scheduled prepayment date or at least monthly. *Prices excluding taxes
Não realizamos trocas por produtos do tamanho inadequado para este cliente: Disponibilizamos as medidas em centímetros por nossos produtos para nãeste haver erro na escolha do tamanho.